CELER NETWORK (CELR) Price, Analysis, Predictions, and Calculator | Blockchain.News

CELER NETWORK (CELR) Price, Analysis, Predictions, and Calculator

0.01284 USD

Price Indexes

24h Change: -0.00027 (-2.059%)

24h Low: 0.0125 USD

24h High: 0.01313 USD

24h Volume (Crypto): 67045893.7 CELER NETWORK

24h Volume (USD): 857824.184541 USD

celer network Calculator

How to Convert celer network to USD?

Most likely, we could convert it by the medium of USD backed cryptocurrency for the transaction of celer network to USD. For example, USDT, USDC, etc.

What is the rate of celer network to USD?

The Current Price is $0.01284.

Latest celer network Price Analysis, Prediction, News and Insights

Time Details
2024-07-11 12:02
Potential DNS Domain Attack on Celer Network

According to @PeckShieldAlert, Celer Network has issued a warning about a potential DNS domain attack that appears to be impacting multiple projects. Users are advised not to access Celer.network and cbridge.Celer.network.